The Creepiest Bugs in the U.S.
It’s that time of year again when the moon looks fuller, the witches start brewing potions, and little rubber spiders begin popping up on everyone’s front porch lamps. This is perfectly fine until you realize that one of those creepy spiders is actually moving. What then? Well, first… grab a can of bug spray so that wiggling spider returns to being just part of the display. Second, you may want to think about returning to the store that sold you the decorations and complains.
Fall is the perfect time for some of the creepiest bugs in the U.S. to start appearing. If you take a closer look, many of these creepy bugs resemble your favorite, or not so favorite, horror monsters. You don’t think so? Take a look…
Bela Lugosi these creeps aren’t. At least he gave his victims a fighting chance to flea his deathly grasp. These bloodsucking vampires of the insect realm will attack by any means possible so they can enjoy one thing… your blood! This can really get under your skin and everyone else’s skin in your family if you don’t watch out. They also know how to really tick off their victims. Too far? They don’t think so.

Cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis)
Fleas and ticks are some of the world’s best-known vampires in the insect realm. They love nothing more than sucking your and your pet’s blood. And they don’t just stop there. Ticks are especially known for carrying and transmitting Lyme disease to their victims. It can cause swelling around the membrane of your brain, called meningitis, and if left untreated it can be deadly.

Tick – parasitic arachnid blood-sucking carrier of various diseases on a human skin
Mosquitoes are also on the hunt for blood. They fly by night, searching for their next victim. And like their flea and tick comrades, they’re quite known for spreading a plethora of diseases that can cause illness and even death. So, watch out for these little bloodsuckers and where plenty of insect repellent if you’re going out during those long nights ahead.
There are many types of Werewolves in the insect world. Just because they don’t howl at the moon, doesn’t mean they’re not dangerous. Although unassuming at first, these little creatures will jump out and bite you when you least expect it. They are quite crafted in the art of ambushing their prey.
The first bug on our list is rightly called the Ambush bug. They’re thankfully harmless to humans, but if you’re another bug… watch out! They’ll eat just about any kind of insect in your garden, which is a good thing. Look closely if you have sunflowers or look at the blooms on your plants to see these little werewolves in action.

Jumping spider
Another Werewolf in the insect world is one you don’t want to run into… the Thread Waisted Wasp. These vicious little wasps back a powerful punch, rendering their insect victims paralyzed and giving their human victims a very painful sting. And if that doesn’t beat all, it lays its’ eggs on the paralyzed insect, so when the new batch of wasps emerges, they have something to nibble on… while its’ still alive. Whaaaa-ha-haaaa!
It would be unfair to not include Bold Jumping Spiders as well. Not only do these spiders look the part of a werewolf, they certainly act the part. Bold Jumping spiders have managed to frighten just about every one of us, especially in the bathroom. These fearless spiders seem to love to jump out and frighten anyone and anything… that is until they meet the unfortunate end of a rolled-up newspaper. Harmless to humans for the most part… unless you count the many heart attacks, they’ve caused over the years.
Devils come in all shapes and sizes, and in the insect world, this is no exception. The Devil’s Coach Horse, although not a devil itself, it might as well be. These bugs earned their name largely because of their vicious bite. They’re also known to have quite a nasty smelling spray. Toxic to humans, these little devils can stab you without you knowing they’re there, so beware of them in your garden.

Devil’s coach horse, Staphylinus olens bug
Beware of the ones you don’t see. There are many phantom bugs in the insect world. Some may drive you more buggy than others. The Click Beetle is one of those phantoms. You may be sitting in front of the television when you hear a clicking sound coming from somewhere, but where? Every time you get up to look, the clicking stops. Then it’s on the other side of the room. After a while of this, you just might think your house is haunted. Or maybe you’ve been visited by a clicking beetle. They’re harmless to humans, but they’re certainly annoying.
There are very few things better than seeing a dead bug, well… Perhaps not seeing them at all. We associate bugs with many things, being dirty, carrying diseases and even death. But what happens when bugs come back from the grave? Thankfully this hasn’t happened yet, but give Hollywood some time to think that idea over.
So how can a bug be a zombie if they haven’t died and come back to life? Think about what zombies eat… the dead! Flesh flies are known for their desire to eat rotting corpses. Forensic investigators have actually used them to solve murder mysteries by studying the amount of Flesh Fly larvae inside a victim. Although helpful, these flies are certain to make your flesh crawl when you see them.

Ordinary Flesh Fly (Sarcophaga carnaria)
If bugs are sending icy chills up your spine this autumn and even an exorcist can’t get them out of your house, then it’s time to call in the professionals. AIPM is owned and operated by University graduates who majored in Biology and Pest Management. They know how to handle all types of skin-crawling insect problems. They can eliminate the threats to your property while setting up a custom plan to ensure that you never have to face the same type of infestation again. Contact AIPM for a free consultation here!
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