Rodent pest management is all about taking preventative measures and reducing the risk of rodenticides. Watch AIPM’s video: how to keep rodents away above as our expert, Margaret Townsend, gives you a walkthrough on mastering general pest control. In the video, you will learn how to keep rodents away in your neighborhood as well as your very own home. By using the tactics shown, your home will become less attractive to those pesky rodents, which will be able to avoid a full-scale rodent invasion.
Rodent Pest Control Solutions
There are general pest control solutions solutions available to help keep rodents away. High levels of success can be achieved when implementing an integrated pest management program, otherwise known as an IPM program. An IPM program consists of specific practices that help to minimize the use of rodenticides including:
- Sanitation
- Habitat modification
- Trapping
- Exclusion
- Baiting

Precautions Using Rodenticides
- Remember, recognize that when you use rodenticides there is always a possibility that a rodent will die in locations in your home you cannot reach.
- Also, if your pet or animals consume a poisoned dead rodent, they may become ill and even die.
- Make sure to place bait stations only in locations where your children or pets do not have access. This includes under appliances or inside walls.
- Be on the lookout for US EPA-approved products. These are the only pest control products you should be using.
- It’s crucial to read and follow directions on any rodenticide products in avoiding any damage you could be liable for from ignoring the label instructions.
When It’s Time to Contact a Professional
If all else fails, even after exhausting all of your options then it is time to contact a professional.
For more information visit our website at or at AIPM’s Facebook page. If you would like a free evaluation as to the likeliness of rodents invading your home, please call or email AIPM at 888-344-6567 or
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