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Get Mosquitoes Under Control This Summer with In2Care Systems

Picture of Laura Michael
By Laura Michael on July, 26 2024
A mosquito sucking blood

We’re in the heat of summer in Southern California, making areas like Simi Valley, Santa Clarita, Oxnard, Sherman Oaks, Malibu and Woodland Hills a dream destination for many looking to enjoy the great outdoors right in their backyard. As much as our beaches and hiking trails are an attraction to tourists and nature enthusiasts, our home gardens also attract a variety of wildlife. Among these natural residents are mosquitoes, which thrive in the warm weather and the abundant standing water sources provided by the area's irrigation practices, turning outdoor pleasures into potential zones of discomfort and health risks.

Mosquitoes are more than tiny blood suckers. These pests are known carriers of dangerous pathogens, transmitting diseases such as West Nile virus, Zika, and dengue, which pose serious public health threats. In recent years, these diseases have seen an increase in Southern California, which has heightened the need for effective mosquito control measures that go beyond the typical repellents and bug zappers. One of the best methods for mosquito control we’ve seen lately is the In2Care Mosquito Trap, which tackles the mosquito problem at its source. Let’s dive more into what this method can offer you as a homeowner.

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The Mosquito Challenge in Southern California

In areas like Simi Valley, Santa Clarita, Oxnard, Sherman Oaks, Malibu and Woodland Hills, the landscape is an intertwined painting of suburbs and agricultural areas coupled with occasional wetlands, which creates an intricate mosaic where mosquitoes flourish. This region's warm temperatures throughout most of the year prevent the natural die-off that colder climates benefit from, allowing mosquito populations to thrive and even increase during occasional rainfalls or in irrigated gardens. Urban development also contributes to the challenge, as human-made features such as storm drains, backyard birdbaths, and neglected swimming pools become unintended breeding grounds for these insects. Even the smallest amount of standing water–as small as a bottle cap, can serve as a nursery for hundreds of mosquito larvae.

The challenge gets bigger due to the diversity of mosquito species in the area, each with different preferences for breeding and biting. For instance, the Aedes aegypti, also known as the yellow fever mosquito, is particularly troublesome because it aggressively bites during the day and prefers to breed in small water containers close to human habitation. Contrary to the Culex mosquito, known for transmitting West Nile virus, which is a nocturnal feeder. This complicates control efforts that might focus solely on daytime activities. As such, effective mosquito management in Southern California must be multifaceted and responsive to the behavioral patterns and ecological niches of different mosquito species.

What is In2Care?


In2Care is an innovative mosquito control system that proposes a significant shift in how mosquito populations are managed. The system is designed around a scientifically formulated attractant that lures female mosquitoes—the primary vectors for disease transmission. Once inside the In2Care trap, these mosquitoes come into contact with a unique combination of a larvicide and a fungal biopesticide. The larvicide is specifically targeted to affect only mosquito larvae, making it safe for other wildlife, and the fungus is slow-acting, allowing the infected mosquito to spread these agents to other breeding sites. This two-pronged approach not only kills the adult mosquitoes and their larvae within the trap but also turns the mosquitoes into carriers that help to disseminate the control agents to distant breeding sites, potentially vastly expanding the impact of each individual trap.

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How In2Care Works


The In2Care system operates on a unique mechanism that leverages the natural behaviors of female mosquitoes to control their population. It goes like this:

  • When a female mosquito enters the In2Care trap, she encounters the trap’s water treated with a carefully chosen mix of larvicide and a specific fungal biopesticide. 
  • This fungal agent gradually incapacitates the mosquito, ensuring it has time to visit other breeding sites before it dies. 
  • As the mosquito flies from the trap to lay eggs elsewhere, it inadvertently spreads these agents to untreated water bodies, extending the reach of the control measures far beyond the initial trap.

This process is known as auto-dissemination and it is crucial to the efficacy of the In2Care system because each infected female mosquito becomes a vector for control, effectively targeting hidden or hard-to-reach breeding sites that might not be otherwise treated. This system not only helps in controlling the mosquito population but also has a low environmental impact, as it is specifically lethal only to mosquitoes. This is important for us because it helps us avoid other ecological disruptions often associated with more traditional insecticides.

Benefits of Using In2Care in Southern California

The In2Care mosquito control system offers several significant benefits to make your life easier and have peace of mind:

  • Eco-Friendly Approach: Larvicide is harmful only to mosquitoes, minimizing impact on other wildlife and the environment, crucial for maintaining Southern California's biodiversity.
  • Long-Term Effectiveness: The way this system works is by disrupting the mosquito breeding cycle, reducing both adult populations and future generations.
  • Ease of Use: Designed for straightforward setup and use, fitting seamlessly into daily routines without requiring frequent adjustments or oversight.
  • Targeted Mosquito Control: You can target mosquitoes precisely with minimal collateral damage to other creatures, pets or your own family.
  • Low Maintenance: Once installed, the system operates effectively with minimal upkeep, making it ideal for busy households and property managers.

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Implementing In2Care in Your Community

Implementing the In2Care mosquito control system involves strategic planning and collaboration to maximize its effectiveness. The best way to deploy this system is by engaging both individual homeowners and their community. The most effective way of implementation is when there is community-wide adoption because it can dramatically amplify the effectiveness of the system, creating a more comprehensive network of control points that reduces the overall mosquito population in the area.

The Importance of Professional Installation and Maintenance


Mosquito control can be very difficult, particularly in areas as ecologically diverse as Simi Valley, Santa Clarita, Oxnard, Sherman Oaks, Malibu and Woodland Hills. DIY or one-size-fits-all solutions are obsolete when it comes to combating mosquitoes due to the varying landscapes and microclimates across the different cities and neighborhoods. Here is when we strongly recommend the assistance of professional pest control experts so they can assess specific environmental factors such as local water sources, vegetation density, and existing mosquito population dynamics. This expertise ensures that the In2Care traps are placed strategically to maximize their impact. AIPM’s Professionals are trained to identify the often subtle signs of breeding sites and can position traps in locations where mosquitoes are most active, ensuring the bioactive agents are effectively spread by mosquitoes throughout the area.

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Ongoing maintenance is also crucial to the sustained success of the In2Care system. Due to mosquito behavior and environmental conditions, having professionals ensure that the traps are functioning correctly and are replenished with the necessary bioactive substances to keep them effective throughout the mosquito season is particularly important. For example, an increase in rainfall might create new breeding grounds that need additional focus, or a particularly hot summer could accelerate mosquito breeding cycles. Professional maintenance adapts the pest control measures to these changing conditions, maintaining an environment that continuously suppresses mosquito populations. Such meticulous upkeep not only extends the life of each trap but also enhances the overall efficacy of the mosquito management program, providing peace of mind to you and your community and reducing the risk of disease transmission.


Mosquito control is a serious concern for Southern California residents, particularly with the growing risks of mosquito-borne diseases. With the In2Care system you get a twofer: an innovative and sustainable solution with an environmentally responsible effect. By partnering with pest control professionals experienced in the In2Care system like AIPM, homeowners and community managers can significantly enhance their efforts to maintain mosquito-free environments. Ultimately, the peace of mind that comes from effective mosquito control allows everyone to fully enjoy the beautiful Southern California outdoors.

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