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Tips and Tricks Pests

How to Get Rid of Ground Squirrels

Picture of Kristen Wosk
By Kristen Wosk on November, 2 2021
squirrels sneaking on a hole

Ground squirrels are a pest that is hard to get rid of. If you have them on any of your managed properties, it is important to take pest control measures as soon as possible. In this article, we will go over the best pest control strategies and methods for getting rid of ground squirrels from your organizations’ property. Get rid of ground squirrels and go back to enjoying a clean, pristine yard again with these easy tips and pest control methods!

Ground Squirrels Habitats

Ground squirrels are a very common pest in the United States. They live mostly underground, but love to come out and sun themselves on warm days. If you have a business or yard that gets lots of sunlight, this is where they will go first! Ground squirrels can be found all over California as well as Arizona, Oregon, Washington State, and Texas. Also known as rock squirrels, prairie dogs, or gophers, ground squirrels can be very destructive when they invade your yard. Their burrows in the ground cause problems for the foundation of any property you manage. They also dig up yards when looking for food, destroying carefully constructed landscaping.

Getting Rid of Ground Squirrels

Ground squirrels are a difficult pest to get rid of because they spend so much time underground. It is important that you take immediate pest control measures if you see signs of ground squirrels on any properties you manage! However, removal might not be easy depending on where the pests are living. Ground squirrels that live under buildings can be very difficult to get rid of, as well as expensive! If you have ground squirrels under your house, it might be time to move or hire a pest control company with experience getting rid of these pests. It’s also important to reassess after the first treatment in order to ensure that all ground squirrels have been effectively removed from the property. 

Ground squirrel problems? Click here to learn more.

Ground Squirrel Trap

One of the best pest control strategies for getting rid of ground squirrels once and for all is an exclusion trap! This pest control method involves pest control professionals coming out and setting traps near the squirrels’ burrow. This pest method is very effective because once ground squirrels are in a trap, there is no way for them to get back underground! Exclusion traps are also an easy DIY solution for property managers to try on their own before calling in the professionals, as traps do not require resetting or routine maintenance like other forms of pest control. However, if you're unsure, always call a specialist! 

Baiting Ground Squirrels

Baiting is another method of ground squirrel removal with effective results. By lacing grain with a form of pesticide in both the summer and fall, when ground squirrels are consuming a large amount of food, you can remove large numbers of resident ground squirrel populations from any property you manage. However, there are two potential downsides to this technique. First, the use of chemicals as pest control methods can negatively impact surrounding animals, nature, and even human residents if not applied correctly. Baiting and pesticide methods also leave behind pests that need to be physically collected, so as not to alarm anyone on the property.

CO2 Treatment for Ground Squirrels

Once a ground squirrel tunnel has been located, using a CO2 machine to fumigate the tunnels. This method is quick and effective —as long as you know how to properly handle the machine. It also reduces the risk of running into any of the fumigated pests around the property, as the ground squirrels remain beneath the ground. One treatment is often enough; however, be sure to apply the CO2 to all of the ground squirrel tunnels on the property. Partnering with a professional pest control company can ensure treatment is effectively applied and return the properties you manage back to their usual condition. 


If you sight signs of any ground squirrel activity on the property you manage, don’t worry. There are a variety of different pest control methods to utilize that help in removing the pest population. When it comes to handling ground squirrels, it’s best to act fast and preemptively protect the property against further damage. As always, if you’re unsure about DIY solutions, partner with a professional pest control company that can handle the removal from start to finish. 

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