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Picture of Paul Townsend

Paul Townsend

5 common spring bugs and how to get rid of them
By Paul Townsend on January 18, 2023

Sunny skies, blossoming foliage, and more daylight–spring may be one of the most beautiful seasons of the year, but it unfortunately comes with an...

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Don't let those Christmas tree bugs make your home their home
By Paul Townsend on December 14, 2022

It’s the holiday season, and the whole family is patiently waiting to start decorating the Christmas tree with lights and ornaments, signaling the...

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Preventive pest control for your home this thanksgiving
By Paul Townsend on November 15, 2022

Thanksgiving is a holiday all about opening up your home to family and guests, and celebrating time together. During these special moments, the last...

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(VIDEO) 7 Effective Rat Trap Tips That Work
By Paul Townsend on September 26, 2022

Trapping a rat is a bit trickier than most of us might believe. We go to the store and...

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How to avoid Fall Pests
By Paul Townsend on September 19, 2022

This fall season, make sure that the only creepy-crawlies on your property are Halloween decorations. While some people believe that pests go away in...

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How to Get Rid of Mice in Your Apartment
By Paul Townsend on September 7, 2022

Small but mighty, the mouse is a pest that you absolutely don’t want to find in your apartment. These small creatures can gnaw through objects,...

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What Sign is Most Likely to Indicate a Pest Infestation this Fall
By Paul Townsend on August 29, 2022

As summer fades away and fall arrives, there can be a lot of changes going on inside and outside of your home. After all, kids go back to school, the...

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How to get rid of spiders in my house when living in an HOA
By Paul Townsend on August 15, 2022

Spiders may seem like the scariest creepy-crawly pest to run into around your property, but they’re surprisingly beneficial in most situations. In...

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What is the HOA pest control responsibility in California
By Paul Townsend on August 9, 2022

Living on an HOA can come with a lot of perks–including pest control services that assist in maintaining the peace, calm, and safety of all HOA...

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How leadership affects the work environment in a pest control company
By Paul Townsend on August 1, 2022

No matter what industry you're working in, the right leadership can make all the difference. A positive work environment sustained by a supportive...

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