A rat infestation in your home isn’t just a scary sight–the presence of these pesky pests can also cause physical damage to your house, spread...
Continue ReadingPreventive pest control for your home this thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a holiday all about opening up your home to family and guests, and celebrating time together. During these special moments, the last...
Continue ReadingReal-life creepy bugs and critters that can scare any homeowner
Pests aren’t only annoying to deal with—sometimes, they can be downright frightful, giving even the most laidback homeowner a fair scare. But there’s...
Continue ReadingHalloween is around the corner, and so is spider season
The Halloween season is all about scary things, and there’s nothing scarier than finding a bunch of spiders making themselves comfortable in your...
Continue Reading5 Tips on How to Get Rid of Brown Recluse Spiders Naturally
In the nursery rhyme Little Miss Muffet, a little girl was happy as can be as she sat on a tuffet. But she was scared away when a spider sat down...
Continue ReadingWhy Are Bees and Wasps a Pest Problem in the Fall
Most homeowners don’t consider bees and wasps a pest problem in the fall–after all, bees conjure up the image of the springtime season, spreading...
Continue Reading(VIDEO) 7 Effective Rat Trap Tips That Work
Trapping a rat is a bit trickier than most of us might believe. We go to the store and...
Continue ReadingHow to avoid Fall Pests
This fall season, make sure that the only creepy-crawlies on your property are Halloween decorations. While some people believe that pests go away in...
Continue ReadingEasy Solutions to Keep Pests From Invading Your Pantry
It’s six in the morning, and your eyes are barely open. All you can think about is that first cup of coffee and that special box of cereal you were...
Continue ReadingHow to Get Rid of Mice in Your Apartment
Small but mighty, the mouse is a pest that you absolutely don’t want to find in your apartment. These small creatures can gnaw through objects,...
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