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Do It Yourself Pest Control
By Laura Michael on August 22, 2022

Hello everyone, my name is Rosemary Jimenez Lucero. I have been in in the pest industry for over 15 years and learned a trick or two how to “Do it...

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How to get rid of spiders in my house when living in an HOA
By Paul Townsend on August 15, 2022

Spiders may seem like the scariest creepy-crawly pest to run into around your property, but they’re surprisingly beneficial in most situations. In...

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What is the HOA pest control responsibility in California
By Paul Townsend on August 9, 2022

Living on an HOA can come with a lot of perks–including pest control services that assist in maintaining the peace, calm, and safety of all HOA...

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How leadership affects the work environment in a pest control company
By Paul Townsend on August 1, 2022

No matter what industry you're working in, the right leadership can make all the difference. A positive work environment sustained by a supportive...

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How to get rid of ants in my kitchen when living in an HOA
By Molly Paws on July 26, 2022

A little bit of food left on the floor after a snack, a small entry hole unsealed in a wall or door, and that’s all it takes for the ants to come...

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Are Condo Associations Responsible for Pest Control
By Paul Townsend on July 19, 2022

When ants come marching in, spiders come crawling down, or flies start buzzing around, who’s responsible for taking care of the pest control—the...

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How to avoid Summer Pests as an HOA homeowner
By Paul Townsend on July 11, 2022

Summer is a season of non-stop sun and outdoor fun, school vacations, relaxation, and also—summer pests. That’s right. While you’re busy enjoying the...

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How the California Drought Affects Pest Control
By Laura Michael on June 29, 2022

California is in yet another year of a drought. This past winter was one of the driest on record and most of the state is currently in a moderate to...

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5 Benefits of an HOA
By Paul Townsend on June 14, 2022

Thinking of living in an HOA? The benefits of an HOA are many for homeowners. These include great amenities, expert maintenance services, and the...

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