Invasive rodents, such as gophers, can cause significant damage to your property, transmit infectious rodent diseases, and pass along ticks and fleas...
Continue ReadingTopic: Pests
The Top 5 Easiest Ways How to Get Rid of Ants
Ant infestations can occur in nearly any home or property. Whether the ants are putting a stop to outdoor fun during the spring or summer seasons or...
Continue ReadingTop 3 Rodent Diseases You Want to Avoid
Have you ever had a mouse or rat in your house? I did a few months ago and it is not fun. I work in pest control and have worked with other mice and...
Continue Reading3 Tips for What to Do If You Get a Bee Sting
I have been stung by a bee 3 times in my life and it has never been a pleasant experience.
Continue ReadingTop 3 Most Effective Bed Bug Treatments
Hi my name is Kevin and I am excited to announce that here at AIPM we are relaunching our company blog, and I have the opportunity to launch our...
Continue ReadingHow To Deal With Pests On Your Pets
We all love our pets, however, they are often at risk of getting pests such as fleas and ticks. Once they get these pests, they often bring them into...
Continue ReadingWhat to Do Monthly to Manage Pests the Right Way
No one wants to have a pest infestation inside their property, but pests do tend to make their way inside. You could have a problem with mice, rats,...
Continue ReadingCalifornia Pest Forecast For 2020
Pests can be quite troublesome if they infest your property. They cause damage and force any property owner to replace these damaged items. To...
Continue ReadingThe Importance of Bed Bug Inspection For Property Owners and Managers
Bed bugs are annoying pests that spread quickly and easily travel from one place to the next because they can latch on to a person‚ on to their...
Continue ReadingCalifornia 2018 Summer Mosquito Trap Guide
What is summer without some fun? Summer is all about relaxing by the pool, barbecues, drinking a refreshing tropical drink or just relaxing in a lawn...
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